A boy named Ben wanted to know whether a North American visitor accompanying them was'a cowboy or an Indian. ' 一位叫本(Ben)的孩子想知道,跟他们一起的一位北美访客是“西部牛仔还是印第安人”。
An Indian ceremony, encampment a member of the North American Indian people of Oregon. 印第安人的仪式、营地.俄勒冈的印第安族人。
A member of a North American Indian people living in central Baja California. 生活在白加加利福尼亚中部的北美印第安族人。
A member of a North American Indian people living around the mouth of the Colorado river. 生活在美国科罗拉多河出口周围的北美印第安族人。
Contrast the physical condition of the Irish with that of the North American Indian, or the South Sea Islander, or any other savage race before it was degraded by contact with the civilized man. 把爱尔兰人的身体状况,跟北美洲的印第安人或南海的岛民,或任何没有跟文明人接触过因而没有堕落的野蛮人比一比吧。
A member of the North American Indian people of Oregon. Ancient Indian Culture in the Andes 俄勒冈的印第安族人。安第斯山古代印第安人文化
Colonial times former, peninsula north is the department odd metre of American Indian Er tribe, south wears in ancient Er is ancient with melon her to pull tribe. 殖民时代以前,半岛北部是印第安人科奇米尔部落,南部是佩里古尔和瓜伊古拉部落。
A member of a North American Indian people of the Colorado river valley near the mouth of the Gila river; allied to the Maricopa. 哥勒河流域出口附近的美国罗拉多河流域的北美印第安族人;马瑞科帕族人的同盟者。
Any member of the warlike North American Indian peoples formerly living in New York state; the League of Iroquois ( or Five Nations) were allies of the British during the American Revolution. 从前生活在纽约州的好战的印第安族人;在美国独立革命期间,易洛魁族联盟是英国的同盟。
A member of the North American Indian people of Arizona and adjacent Mexico and California. 亚利桑那州及其邻近的墨西哥和加利福尼亚的北美印第安族人。
Chinookan: a North American Indian language family of Washington and oregon. 奇努克语组:分布在华盛顿州和俄勒冈州的一个北美洲印第安人语组。
A North American Indian warrior. 一种北美洲印第安武士。
A member of a North American Indian people speaking one of the Penutian languages. 说佩纽蒂语的北美印第安族人。
A member of the North American Indian people ( related to the Aztecs) of the SW US. 西南美国的北美印第安族人(和阿芝台克人有联系)。
A member of the North American Indian people formerly living in the Colorado river valley in Arizona and Nevada and California. 从前生活在亚利桑尼亚州、内华达州和加利福尼亚州的科罗拉多河流域的美国印第安族人。
A member of the North American Indian people of Oregon. largest city in Oregon; located in northwestern Oregon. 美国俄勒冈州最大的城市;位于俄勒冈州西北部。
A member of a North American Indian people of SE California and NW Mexico. 东南加利福尼亚和西北墨西哥的北美印第安族人。
A member of a North American Indian people of Cataract Canyon ( a tributary of the Grand Canyon) in Arizona. 亚利桑那州大瀑布溪谷(美国大峡谷的一个支流)的北美印第安族人。
A desert area in S Arizona. a member of the North American Indian people of the San Joaquin Valley. 美国亚里桑那州的沙漠地区。桑河流域的北美印第安族人。
A member of an extinct North American Indian people who lived in the pit River Valley in n california. 曾经生活在北加利福尼亚州的彼得河流域,现在已经灭绝的北美印第安族人。
A North American Indian Confederacy organized by the Muskogee that dominated the SE US before being removed to Oklahoma. 被赶到俄克拉荷马州之前统治美国东南部地区的马斯科吉人组织的北美印第安人的一个联盟。
A member of a North American Indian people who lived in Oregon along the Columbia River and its tributaries in Washington and N idaho. 曾经生活在哥伦比亚河及其在华盛顿的支流沿岸的俄勒冈和北爱达荷州的北美印第安族人。
The Indians besieged the fort. a member of the North American Indian people of Oregon. 印第安人围困了要塞。俄勒冈的印第安族人。
A member of a North American Indian people living on the western plains ( now living in Oklahoma and Montana). 居住在美国西北平原(现在住在俄克拉荷马州和蒙大纳州)的北美印第安族人。
A member of an important North American Indian people who controlled the mouth of the Columbia river; they were organized into settlements rather than tribes. 控制哥伦比亚河出口的北美印第安族人;他们不是以部落而是以定居点为组织单位。
A member of a North American Indian people living in coastal California between Monterey and San Francisco Bay. 居住在蒙特里州和旧金山之间的加利福尼亚海岸的北美印第安族人。
A member of a North American Indian people of S California. For this reason the Indians called the cataract Niagara, meaning thunder of waters. 南加利福尼亚的北美印第安族人。正因为如此,印第安人取名为尼亚拉加大瀑布,意谓着水声雷鸣。
The Relation between Man and Nature in North American Indian Myths 北美印第安神话中人与自然的关系
According to the North American Indian myths, everything on the Earth has spirit and extraordinary power. 在北美印第安神话中,自然界的万物都蕴含着神灵,都有非凡的神力,人与自然万物共存共生,相通相融。